I'm A Single-Mom Empty-Nester
I was a single mother when Tony, my oldest, moved away to college. Two years later, Tasha got married… and suddenly I was living in a mostly empty 3 bedroom home.
I was lost… not hearing the kids arguing and doors slamming. A year later I had sold the house and moved into a townhouse.
Being an Empty Nester is HARD… at least it was for me. I was faced with all kinds of choices that I didn’t have a clue how to deal with.
- Do I need to remodel this house, so it will bring more money when I sell?
- What do I do with all the “stuff” the kids left when they moved out?
- What do I do with all the leftovers from the divorce?
- Should I move into a Gated community… where the lawn gets mowed by the maintenance crew?
Did I already say that being an Empty Nester is hard?
That was years ago. And needless to say… I survived. But it would have been so much easier if I knew THEN what I know NOW!
Here's What's In The Guide...
Table Of Contents
- My Story
- Is The Glass Half EMPTY… Or Half FULL? That’s YOUR Call!
- Empty Nest Advice to Couples
- Empty Nest Advice To Singles
- Declutter For A New Lease On Life: 10 Tips
- Stay Put… Or Downsize?
- If You Decide To Sell, These 13 Tips Can Save You THOUSANDS!
- Can You Make Money By Remodelling? Here’s the ROI on “Remods”
- Minimizing The Capital Gains Tax
- Is A Reverse Mortgage A Good Option? Pros & Cons
- Moving Into A Gated Community; The Pros & Cons Of HOAs
- For This Chapter Of Your Life, What Style & Location Suits You Better?
- Knowledge Is Power, IF…